Supporting our
We at Integrity Life are committed to supporting all our customers through every stage of life. We know that at any point in someone’s life, they can experience vulnerability, whether due to a common or unpredictable life event, or may require extra care and support.
If you tell us, or if we recognise that you are affected by a vulnerability, we are here to help.
What do we mean by vulnerable customer?
A vulnerable customer is someone who is susceptible to disadvantage or detriment as a result of their personal circumstances. They therefore may require additional support when interacting with Integrity. A personal circumstance may include, but is not limited to:
- Mental, physical, sensory, or cognitive health conditions;
- Financial distress or hardship;
- Language and/or literacy or numeracy barriers;
- Family violence;
- Geographic isolation; or
- Age.

What we can do to help.
Premium Relief options.
If you are experiencing financial difficulty because of a change in your personal circumstances, we have several options which may be available to help with the cost of your life insurance premiums:
- Applying a freeze on your premium;
- Temporarily suspending Cover for up to 12 months during which time you would not be covered; or
- Waiving premiums for up to 3 months if they become involuntarily unemployed or go on parental leave.
If you are experiencing financial difficulty, we encourage you to speak with your Financial Adviser, who’ll assess your needs and circumstances to ensure you have adequate protection during this time. You can also speak to a member of our team about Premium Relief options by calling 1300 54 33 66 or emailing us at
Refer to our PDS for further information in relation to Premium Relief options.
Support whilst on claim.
At Integrity we believe that paying claims is our reason for existence as a business – being there for customers when they need it most. Each claim is treated not as a financial liability but as a person who needs support through a difficult time.
We also partner with a range of Rehabilitation Providers across Australia to support with each customer’s specific needs.
Support in situations of family violence.
- Keep contact and location information confidential;
- Work with you to manage how your personal information is shared with other policy holders and other parties;
- Work with you to find safe ways to communicate; and
- Work with you to ensure your claim is fairly managed.
Additional Support Services.
Integrity has compiled a list of support services offered by Government and not for profit organisations who can provide assistance across a range of areas, including but not limited to mental health, financial difficulty, legal issues and family violence. You can see this list here
Language barriers.
If you are not comfortable communicating in English or would prefer to communicate with us in another language, we are registered with the Australian Government Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS). You can use this service to communicate with us through an interpreter.
Immediate phone interpreting services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Integrity will pay for the cost of this service, however you will be charged the cost of a local call. To book an appointment with an interpreter, or for more information about TIS, please visit their website at Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National).
National Relay Service.
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us via The National Relay Service (NRS).
Here’s how:
- TTY Speak & Read / Talk & Read: Call 133 677 to access the Relay Service, then ask the Relay Officer to dial 1300 54 33 66 to connect to Integrity Life.
- Voice Relay: Call 1300 555 727 to access the Relay Service, then ask the Relay Officer to dial 1300 54 33 66 to connect to Integrity Life.
For further information about using the NRS, please visit their website at National Relay Service | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.
Third Party representation.
At any point during your experience with us, including when making a claim, you can elect a third party, such as a family member, to act on their behalf when interacting with us. This person will receive all communications about your Policy or claim. Should a third party authority be required, please contact our team at or
Verification and Identification Support.
We only ask for information we need, when we need it and have designed our process to reduce the number of times verification and identification is required. However, at time, we may need to confirm we’re interacting with the right person.
Where you’re unable to provide a standard form of identification, we’ll work with you to find a solution in line with AUSTRAC guidelines.