Will getting the COVID-19 vaccine impact my ability to claim?

Apr 11, 2021Advisers, Integrity1010 comments

We have seen a few comments across social media in regard to getting the COVID-19 vaccine. The question seems to be, because a vaccine is ‘self-inflicted’ that potentially an insurer wouldn’t cover damage or death as a result. We wanted to make it absolutely clear from our perspective where we stand.

If someone is already insured with us, then they are covered under the terms of that contract. So, they can make a claim based on the products they have in place – whether the claim is triggered by COVID-19 or anything else.

Since the onset of COVID-19, we have made a commitment (and stuck to it) not to have any specific or contractual exclusions related to COVID-19, that includes in respect to being vaccinated.

So, in short, getting the vaccine will not impact your ability to make a claim at Integrity.

Of course, for new applications we reserve the right to underwrite the risk presented by each individual and if someone has been infected with COVID-19 and are experiencing symptoms, then we have to decide whether to accept them and on what terms (but just like any other impairment).

The same is true for the vaccine, if we are underwriting a new application and the COVID-19 vaccine (or any vaccine for that matter) causes side effects in a particular individual, it is something underwriters will consider.

Scott Hodgson

Scott Hodgson

Chief Underwriter